15 thoughts on “Andrew Tate Does Not Understand Masculinity, Women, or Christianity

  1. Christianity has always been superior to Islam because Christianity teaches strict chastity and absolute monogamy while Islam teaches modified polygamy.
    Strict Islamic countries permit more than one wife and even permit temporary (timed) marriages.

    The problem is what passes for marriage in churches right now is not valid as marriage but cohabitation or a form of sexless concubinage.

    Don’t believe me?

    Ask yourselves and your pastors this question: what RELATIONAL change took place from non marriage to marriage? Hint: It’s a huge massive change for a young man and women and the reason for the celebration!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True! There are many reasons Christianity is superior and truly from God. The Biblical model of chastity and marriage is one such area that makes Christianity shine above the rest and points to it being truly from God. What man would come up with such an idea? Fallen man naturally seeks to do what’s easy, convenient, or gives him the most pleasure. The Bible tells us to deny our flesh. Sadly, like you said, many Christians have adopted unbiblical ideas about sex and marriage, distorting God’s intended purpose. Thanks for reading and engaging!


      1. You know what it is? There’s a lot of men who are growing up nowadays and compared to previous generations, they’re not getting married at the same rates, they’re not having sex as much as previous generations, and they’re ending up lonely and depressed and addicted to porn because they don’t actually know how to attract women or find a romantic partner. Men like Andrew Tate resonate because he fills that gap that many of these men have in their lives and he tells them exactly how to be a high value man that women are naturally attracted to, and his ideas have a basis in evolutionary psychology so they have a lot of truth to them even if every idea he has isn’t necessarily true. So instead of getting mad at Andrew Tate for telling these young men how to be better versions of themselves, why don’t we do something about this culture that tells men that hitting on women and being assertive and having respect for yourself are embodiments of “toxic masculinity” and that as a man you need to roll over, be a pushover, don’t assert your will over the world, and be a soyboy beta male? The reality is, the church had completely turned a blind eye to the needs of men and has made chastity and purity before marriage the entire scope of its teachings with regards to human sexuality.


      2. Hey Andrew. You’re absolutely right about Andrew Tate filling the gap many men have in their lives. Gangs do the same thing for men who don’t have good families or a father figure. We can acknowledge the valid reasons men decide to join a gang while simultaneously being upset at the gangs who entice them to join. I’m upset that Andrew Tate is leading men astray with yet another false idea of manhood, but I do understand why men want to follow him. He sprinkles in some truth here and there, which only makes his ideology more dangerous.

        I agree with you also that the church has dropped the ball when it comes to properly instructing men (and women) of their roles and worth, and how to pursue the opposite sex. So many churches have made the topic of sex (and even the word sex itself) taboo and dirty when the Bible describes it as anything but. I grew up in a church that never discussed sex or courtship from a Biblical perspective, but thankfully I had parents who did, and I grew up with a healthy understanding and appreciation for it. The church I currently attend doesn’t tip-toe around the subject or make it taboo and I know of many others. When a church teaches the full counsel of God, sex and Biblical manhood/womanhood will naturally be brought up. Churches that are failing to teach this are simply not teaching all of Scripture, but rather picking and choosing what they want to preach.

        I actually really like the idea of writing a post about all of this. It’s a serious issue. Thank you for engaging. I appreciate your comment. 🙂


  2. If you’re going to critique a Muslim, why don’t you talk about the strange similarities between CALVINISM and ISLAM? You are Reformed, after all. Both ideologies insist that God has a dogmatic and immutable will that demands unquestioning submission. Both come from Roman Catholicism in their deep origins, which includes Jew-hatred. Calvin was a Roman Catholic who never renounced his infant baptism for regeneration (which is Roman doctrine and not biblical) and was very codependent upon Augustine for his theology, also another Roman Catholic. That’s rather odd for a religion that says it was started through the rejection of Rome.
    You should blog about how Calvinism and reformed theology are deep heresies going back to the Roman Catholic doctrine of replacement theology: that the Christian church has replaced Israel in a form of satanic, ideological Jew-hatred that debases Scripture through allegory (easily a subjective method of interpretation) and that gives no attention to the crucial doctrine of Bible prophecy (which is proven by living in reality and looking around you and studying basic history). It is truly a doctrine of devils, a heresy that laid the foundations for the Holocaust across European societies in the centuries between Calvin/Luther and WWII.
    The Bible says the Gospel is to the JEW FIRST and also to the Gentile, but your religion’s history makes Jews shun their Messiah all the more, instead of helping them to trust Him for eternal salvation. Henry Abrahamson is a good start for you to hear what Jews believe of your religion.
    Calvinism is anti-evangelism, because you’re too busy trying to master pseudo-Biblical concepts like molinism vs. synergism and prevenient grace vs. common grace and God’s preceptive will vs. His decretive will, etc. etc., and not doing any deep diving into the origins of your religion to match reality outside and of basic history. You talk of knowing God’s sovereignty and mercy, yet you can’t even see it when it comes to His own covenanted Chosen People, even today post-atonement.
    Anyway, LUTHER’S JEWS by Kaufmann is a good start for a book written by a German Reformation scholar himself who faces squarely the rancid Jew-hatred of your religion’s forefather. Certainly, none of you are talking about it.
    Gritsch has written a book called MARTIN LUTHER’S ANTISEMITISM, also short and insightful as written by an educated Lutheran himself. At least he’s honest.
    ISRAEL BETRAYED is a two-volume series about the history of Jew-hatred throughout your religion. Even if you’re not overly anti-Jew or antiZionist, you’re definitely apathetic, silent, and ignorant about God’s Chosen People and the wondrous covenant He has plainly still kept with them to today.


  3. *Let me correct a name I mentioned earlier: Henry ABRAMSON is a Canadian-Jewish professor who has created a YouTube lecture series about the Holocaust. He discusses church history and the role that Calvinism/Reformed thought played in fostering Europe’s contempt for Jews over the centuries before the rise of the Nazi Party. This is replacement theology, which is official doctrine of Rome the Whore.
    Why aren’t you Calvinists talking about these ugly facts and history? If you’re going to wax eloquent about God’s amazing permissive will vs. His decretive will, or His irresistible grace vs. His justifying grace. These are all abstract concepts if they’re even true at all. Why aren’t you talking about tangible, raw, and concrete history and reality that is undeniable? Why do you share a number of alarming things in common with the Romanists, as you claim your religion was founded by REJECTING Rome?
    You even play worship music by ecumenical and charismatic musicians like the Gettys and Stuart Townend, who regularly share the stage with Roman Catholic worship artists that do not even believe the true Gospel nor worship the true LORD Jesus Christ. But here you are joyfully sharing their music.
    Some Presbyterian churches choose to actively bash Israel by peddling the BDS agenda. These churches embrace replacement theology. Other Presbyterians, such as yourself, just stay completely silent and apathetic on the matter as a passive form of Jew-hatred, and your churches also embrace replacement theology. The Bible commands you to proactively be the exact opposite: you are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (a physical city under constant attacks and not some allegorical, pie-in-the-sky place), to be a watchman on her walls, to speak tenderly to her that God’s wrath has been appeased now through her Messiah, that His very Gospel is to the JEW FIRST, etc. Endless biblical proof that the curses do not now fall on the Jews, while His promises and blessings in Christ now fall on you.
    None of this interests you while you think you’re sitting in “grace” as America collapses all around you.


    1. Hi Lauren. While we love and encourage discussions on our blog (even if it’s to disagree with what we’ve written), what we won’t tolerate is unloving name-calling and belligerent diatribes that leave no room for conversation. You’ve said a lot in your two comments, but your point was lost in your anger. I don’t know your story or where you are in your journey towards Christ, but I hope God releases you from your anger and that you seek to love all God’s children, even we “apathetic, silent, and ignorant Calvinists” (your words). We could have had an amazing discussion had it begun in better spirits. That being said, since I can’t (and won’t) respond to every point you made, I’ll leave you with this article which addresses one of the more aggregious accusations you made. God bless. https://heidelblog.net/2013/08/covenant-theology-is-not-replacement-theology/


      1. My words were blunt, but you interpreted that as anger or contempt. I do have much righteous disgust toward your religion as I see the fruits of it, because I am told to judge others by their fruit and that of their beliefs/theology as well. It is the apathy and then arrogance I notice amongst Calvinists that is most disgusting: you do not emphasise missions due to your theology, and if you ever do commit to missions, it is done in spite of your theology. As Tate is now a Muslim, perhaps you have heard rumours that Christianity has been thriving in Iran and Afghanistan as two majority-Muslim nations. I very much doubt that their theology over in the Middle East is Calvinist.
        You do also stay in ignorance in my observation, definitely on the topics I’ve mentioned above, because Calvinists are busy waxing eloquent about allegorical, abstract topics not relevant to reality and life outside. It is a trend across most of American “Protestant” Christendom to also devalue/de-emphasise education, while the Roman Catholics actually are getting higher degrees and accomplishing more (according to a study I read about a year ago). I never hear a Calvinist say much about Jews, their history, and their return to their native homeland. If PC(USA) churches like to get into anti-Zionist causes as a form of active Jew-hatred, what is the PCA church’s apathetic silence? Meanwhile, what Calvinists DO talk about seems to have no effect upon dying, crumbling America.
        You misinterpreted my pointedness as anger. You misinterpreted my adjectives as name-calling. Perhaps sometime you could listen closely to fellow Calvinists James White and Jeff Durbin. Listen closely to how they sneer, mock, and belittle their opponents as Christians challenging their Calvinism. This is actually exactly how John Calvin himself once spoke of a Jewish rabbi, disparaging and demeaning him because he disagreed over Scripture.
        Then you have Martin Luther actually urging MURDER for rabbis in his 1543 treatise! He senselessly blamed arbitrary Jews for his heart attack, rather than his own obesity. The Bible says you are not above your teacher, so actually, you Calvinists mimic the spirit of your teachers Luther and Calvin in your tone, approach, and persecutions.
        Note that Calvin, Zwingli, and their followers had Christians put to death, primarily by drowning, because these Christians would not assent to the unbiblical practice of infant baptism and wanted to be re-baptised according to their own consciences before their Creator and Saviour. Going back to my very first point, murderous persecution is how Islam also treats their opponents and infidels. It is also the behaviour of a pope, for a religion that insists it has rejected the papacy.


      2. (P.S. Since you claim to be an experienced and published writer, somehow it did not occur to you that “aggregious” is not a word in the English language. The actual word is “egregious”. Also, as you are using it in the objective case, “us Calvinists” is appropriate over your very awkwardly stated, “…seek God to love we Calvinists.” You responded to my comments to insist I must be angry, but you sadly prove my point from another angle about Calvinists and their ignorance, and American Protestantism not valuing education.
        Don’t conflate anger with obedience to biblical separation, either.)


  4. You’re not angry but you took the time to try and break me down over a typo and a grammatical error? Interesting approach, but ok. Yes, I made a few errors. I’m a terrible, terrible Calvinist (how you conflate the two is quite remarkable). Published authors have editors for a reason. I was actually in the process of responding to your other comment, but you clearly have an opinion that you don’t care to change, which would make any conversation with you futile. You claim that Calvinists are ignorant and apathetic, but here I am willing to converse, and you shut the conversation down with your vitriol. I actually agree with you on some points about Calvinism, Luther, etc. I’m well aware of it’s many faults. I’ve never met a Calvinist who thinks it’s perfect or that its adherents have it all figured out. But show me a perfect denomination. Show me a church that isn’t deeply flawed. I’m done trying to be civil though. You can continue to comment, but they will be ignored by me. Go with God.


    1. Your first response said, “we could have had an amazing discussion,” but it won’t happen because you are not going to tolerate “name-calling” and the like. Since you can’t (and won’t) respond to my points, here you are responding to my points to say that “here I am willing to converse.” First you weren’t, but now you are. Which is it?
      (To drive it further, this statement from you:
      “I’ll leave you with this article which addresses one of the more aggregious [sic] accusations you made. God bless.”
      …speaks to ending the discussion, which does not make sense with this following statement that is also from you:
      “I was actually in the process of responding to your other comment…”
      First you weren’t, but actually, you were. Which is it?)
      I make multiple, very pointed observations that you lazily toss off as “vitriol.” As a writer, you don’t seem to focus and read well, either: I claimed more than once that you Calvinists are ignorant and apathetic toward evangelism and especially unto Jews who need to hear the Gospel first, because you Calvinists aren’t interested in evangelising them (or anyone), and you spend your energies on useless pseudo-intellectual endeavours and subject matter as supposed doctrine and ministry. In these statements, there was no name-calling about you particularly. But, I did point out that American Protestants don’t value education, and as of a religion obsessed with abstract concepts, you actually proved my very point here in reality and not in the abstract!
      People with no solid education also tend not to get jobs that have strong influence for good upon their society. Be sure not to pass on this tragedy to your children, thus continuing the fruitlessness of your religion.


    2. It looks like you edited your own latest comment, actually, comparing it published here to the one in the email notification. You edited it to only slightly remove some of your snark, while telling me I’m insulting (I’m blunt for the sake of clarity and brevity). This is how you like to have some sort of snide send-off or last word, it looks like. Again, something tragic not to pass on to your own children, as you claim to have the remedy in your Gospel and Lord. Yeah, you’re definitely blogging “to the glory of God alone” here.


  5. Right. You edit your own comments to remove your snark and sound more “civil,” but say that I’m insulting or angry. Then you delete comments that aren’t to your liking, or even to your comprehension. This is your god and how you blog “to his glory alone,” truly empowered by his remarkable, sanctifying, maturing, all-encompassing grace.


  6. I’ll help you out whilst you’re struggling to maintain a blog in basic intellectual honesty and free discussion of ideas: not editing your own responses whilst accusing readers, and not selectively deleting readers’ responses, either.

    But let’s see you delete this as well in what I believe you call “cancel culture” and “rules for thee, not for me.” Which is essentially behaving in the same spirit of Islam, isn’t that funny?


    If you’re going to critique a Muslim, why don’t you talk about the strange similarities between CALVINISM and ISLAM? You are Reformed, after all. Both ideologies insist that God has a dogmatic and immutable will that demands unquestioning submission. Both come from Roman Catholicism in their deep origins, which includes Jew-hatred. Calvin was a Roman Catholic who never renounced his infant baptism for regeneration (which is Roman doctrine and not biblical) and was very codependent upon Augustine for his theology, also another Roman Catholic. That’s rather odd for a religion that says it was started through the rejection of Rome.

    You should blog about how Calvinism and reformed theology are deep heresies going back to the Roman Catholic doctrine of replacement theology: that the Christian church has replaced Israel in a form of satanic, ideological Jew-hatred that debases Scripture through allegory (easily a subjective method of interpretation) and that gives no attention to the crucial doctrine of Bible prophecy (which is proven by living in reality and looking around you and studying basic history). It is truly a doctrine of devils, a heresy that laid the foundations for the Holocaust across European societies in the centuries between Calvin/Luther and WWII.

    The Bible says the Gospel is to the JEW FIRST and also to the Gentile, but your religion’s history makes Jews shun their Messiah all the more, instead of helping them to trust Him for eternal salvation. Henry Abramson is a good start for you to hear what Jews believe of your religion.

    Calvinism is anti-evangelism, because you’re too busy trying to master pseudo-Biblical concepts like molinism vs. synergism and prevenient grace vs. common grace and God’s preceptive will vs. His decretive will, etc. etc., and not doing any deep diving into the origins of your religion to match reality outside and of basic history. You talk of knowing God’s sovereignty and mercy, yet you can’t even see it when it comes to His own covenanted Chosen People, even today post-atonement.

    Anyway, LUTHER’S JEWS by Kaufmann is a good start for a book written by a German Reformation scholar himself who faces squarely the rancid Jew-hatred of your religion’s forefather. Certainly, none of you are talking about it.

    Gritsch has written a book called MARTIN LUTHER’S ANTISEMITISM, also short and insightful as written by an educated Lutheran himself. At least he’s honest.

    ISRAEL BETRAYED is a two-volume series about the history of Jew-hatred throughout your religion. Even if you’re not overly anti-Jew or antiZionist, you’re definitely apathetic, silent, and ignorant about God’s Chosen People and the wondrous covenant He has plainly still kept with them to today.


  7. I applaud you for permitting that person to speak even when it’s pretty obvious someone is not taking their meds.


    Here is a great video on Mr. Tate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXZy_TPdij0

    I honestly don’t really believe Mr. Tate is guilty of sex trafficking despite the fact a quick search reveals lots and lots of self incriminating videos showcasing Mr. Tate boasting of luring in women as a loverboy to sex traffic them.
    The romanian authorities have video confessions of the crime which should be a slam dunk but after spending months and months in custody they don’t have the evidence to charge him? In fact, the opposite happened. Many women say he is a good guy. One woman spent the same time in jail and never coughed up the evidence.
    I think the videos were the scam to present Mr. Tate as the alpha male and savior to fleece money from young men watching porn and playing video games.

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